Birthing Culture
My Birth Options?
Natural Birthing
Natural Hospital Birth
Unassisted Natural Birth
Hospital Birthing
Doula Support
Teach Me How to VBAC
Fertility Health
Become A Doula
The Shafia Monroe(ICTC)-Trained Doula
Supports and assists during labor and birth
Uses comfort measures such as: breathing, relaxation, massage, and positioning
Provides physical, emotional, and informational support to women and their partners before, during and after labor and birth
Values women led births and a mother’s intuition to birth in her best position
Helps establish successful breastfeeding
Teaches and promotes bonding activities between newborn, mother and family
Functions as an integral part of the Maternity Care Case Management Team
Is an advocate for birth justice in her community
On average, Doula Attended Births Provide:
Reduction of cesarean rates and shorter labors.
Reduction of epidural requests and analgesia use.
Reduction in vacuum and forceps deliveries.
Improvement of the mother/infant bond.
Improved satisfaction with the partner after birth.
Highest breastfeeding success rate.
Birthing Culture
My Birth Options?
Natural Birthing
Natural Hospital Birth
Unassisted Natural Birth
Hospital Birthing
Doula Support
Teach Me How to VBAC
Fertility Health
Become A Doula